Cap Staplers secure your wrap better

Cap staplers are a fast and robust way of securing our wrap the the pallets of timber.  Pakaflex has the original ‘Stingers’ available in four models to suit all operations from a few pallets a day to much larger plants and now the low cost PAKATAKA system which combines a robust gun with clear caps and polymer staples to avoid saw blade damage.

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Cap Staplers

Cap staples secure your wrap much better than staples alone as the cap distributes the load.  This makes it particularly beneficial with our EnduratuffTM and Supatuff wrap where a much thinner wrap than normal can then be secured without risking the wrap tearing loose of the staples.

Designed specifically for securing wrap to pallets of timber the new PAKATAKA system is robust light weight and utilises polymer staples. Staples and caps are available in packs of 10,000 for easier distribution at the packing stations. We also have the original ‘Stingers’ which are able to be applied in the yard with the manual ‘hammer tacker’ system.

Call us for information on how we can improve you timber packs.

The new PAKATAKA system fires 10mm wide X 13mm long polymer staples through a specially designed 25mm plastic cap, through the wrap and into your timber pack. Special barbs on the staples ensure that they don’t pull out under normal conditions. if a staple is left behind – it doesn’t matter – as the special plastic is able to be sawn like the timber around it. The PAKATAKA utilises a much less bulky ‘straight’ cap magazine making it far less bulky than the alternative Raptor system. It also much lighter.